Rose Hill Game Preserve offers a variety of hunting and shooting opportunities for sportsmen with all levels of experience.
Our two hundred acres has been developed as a diverse habitat for wildlife over many years. It is now entirely in a Historic Land Trust and a Conservation Reserve program which by special arrangement allows us to offer an authentic environment as close to wild upland shooting as can be found anywhere in Virginia. From open pine stands to wide mature hedge rows to expanses of native warm season grasses, hunters will find a challenging and rewarding experience.
We have strong flying Quail, Pheasant and Chukar which are pointed and retrieved by well trained dogs and handled by experienced guides. Rose Hill Game Preserve is an ideal place where parents and grandparents can introduce a junior hunter to the excitement of upland bird shooting. There is no better place to introduce them to America’s rich hunting heritage and to see and learn about the natural habitat so important to continuing these traditions.
Hunters may arrange to bring their personal dogs and enjoy the thrill of hunting with your own pet and companion. For hunters with limited endurance we can provide ATV transport to and from shooting areas. Our European Tower Shoots are an excellent opportunity for this sort of situation.
A morning hunt will begin with hot coffee and registration. If arranged prior to hunt some warm up on clay targets. After hunt photo opportunities and game cleaning is always available. Special arrangements can be made for groups who would like an after hunt luncheon catered and served.
The Covington/Ashby Family wishes to share with you the rich history of Rose Hill and their heritage of bird hunting going back almost two hundred years.